Would you like to participate in this great adventure?

Our doors are open to all who wish to contribute.
Whether you are a member or not, we welcome your donations and support, and encourage you to follow our news.

A donation for the association

You can support us by making donations to the association, to share the same values that we defend. Your donations will be directly deposited in the association’s account to help the most disadvantaged people in the South of Madagascar.

Join us!


You wish to participate in this beautiful adventure by contributing modestly without spending time? Become a adherent!


You wish to participate in this beautiful adventure by contributing modestly without spending time? Become a adherent!


50 €

“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”, N. Armstrong


100 €

“Be the change you wish to see in this world.” Gandhi

Support us in the implementation

Don’t wait to contact us to set up a partnership.

Being a part of
the community

If altruism is an important concern for you, then this project is for you.
You can help us!

Support any of
our programs

Our plan includes 4 phases, each phase has its own program.

Participate in the realization of our mission

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